Monday, July 13, 2009

Wrap up

Social networks
I am now quite familiar with Facebook, bebo, myspace, Flickr and youtube etc - but yet to embrace "second life" - can't quite see the point - but am willing to have a look at it's possible uses.

Have thoroughly enjoyed this course - and will continue to follow the updates from the pln team. It's a great way of keeping in touch with what is happening on the web.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Online applications & tools

Google docs
Spent some time checking out Google docs - quite easy to use and I can see it would have many useful applications.
My library has an arts & recreation centre attached to it - which runs holiday classes - it's always a problem getting tutors to send in their ideas for classes on time, along with the lists of supplies needed to be ordered (not to mention all the loose papers which can then go missing) - Google docs could be useful for collating ideas for these school holiday programs. A form could be created and all the tutors would have to do is fill it out and send it back by email. All the ideas could be collated in a spreadsheet - materials ordered, programs printed.