Saturday, May 23, 2009

Learning 2 NSW

I first heard of learning 2 program when it was offered by State Library Victoria early last year - and so was excited to learn that NSW was also offering the program. As I work in NSW I transferred to this program and continued to learn (unfortunately forgot to register properly and so went unrecognized! Ah -read the fine print!) Not to worry I really need a refresher as there are aspects I have not really used much and so the memory fades. 

Not being able to access the course at work at the library was a problem as all my course work had to be done on a shared computer at home.  

I am so glad the program has continued as there is so much to digest and it is so good to have an awareness of what is available both to store and disseminate information. I have found the course both informative and easy to follow - the practical aspect helps reafirm knowledge learned and makes the course much more useful.  One drawback though was the need to open so many accounts -gmail, yahoo, etc I was already with hotmail and had 2 work email addresses, so remembering accounts, passwords and urls was a bit of a nuisance - a handy reference notebook was set up quite early in the piece.

Prior to "Learning 2" I had used email and accessed podcasts, wikipedia & flickr, but lacked the ability to set up and manage my own accounts - however since starting the course I have set up a flickr account (tagging photos), regularly use skype, access and use blogs, have a facebook profile and am eager to explore the possibilities of these and other applications on the workfront.

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